The future has landed in small pixelcontroller for RGB LEDs
ESPArtStick line are a small pixel controller designed to control a single addressable LED pixels/neopixels using a special shield and for the Wemos D1 mini. Works with FPP and xLights.
In the last few years, individually addressable RGB lights have been getting cheaper and cheaper. These lights contain a small controller chip alongside the RGB LED which makes it show a certain color. The controller chips have a serial data input and output, and can be daisy-chained together. In this way you can control many different lights using just a few control wires (rather than needing wires going to each individual light).If you’ve played around with controlling LED pixels, you know that getting the infrastructure set up to control your pixels can be quite time-consuming.
4 vocal voice file with 32 different saying each for use for Christmas light shows.
These voice overs can help you expand on your light show to help connect more with your audience and also help give them hints such as turning off car lights and making room for others all in a fun filled characters voice.
1. Best wishes for a healthy happy and peaceful New Year
2. Christmas is a time for family food and fellowship
3. Good tidings to you and yours
4. Greetings of the season and best wishes for the New Year
5. Happy Holidays Thank you for all your support and guidance this year
6. Happy Yummy Cookie Season
7. I hope your Christmas is filled with laughter and prosperity
8. I hope your holiday is full of love peace and joy
9. May you have a lovely Christmas season
10. May your heart and home be filled with all of the joys the festive season brings
11. Merry Christmas And best wishes
12. Merry Christmas ya filthy animal
13. please make room for others to also enjoy the show thank You
14. Please turn your lights off so you can make the most of the show
15. Sending lots of peace and joy to you and your family this Christmas season
16. The elf crew has informed me the next show will start in 1 minute
17. The elf crew has informed me the next show will start in 2 minutes
18. The elf crew has informed me the next show will start in 3 minutes
19. The elf crew has informed me the next show will start in 4 minutes
20. The elf crew has informed me the next show will start in 5 minutes
21. The elf crew has informed me you left your lights on Please turn your car lights off
22. The show is now over for the night Please drive home safe
23. Tis the season for Christmas cookies twinkle lights and one too many glasses of eggnog
24. Welcome to our light show Please enjoy the show
25. Welcome to the light show
26. What does Santa do when the reindeer drive too fast Hold on for deer life
27. What's the best present to receive A broken drum you just cant beat it
28. What's the Grinch's least favorite band The Who
29. Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas Santa Jaws
30. Why is the Grinch such a good gardener He has a green thumb
31. Wishing you nothing but the best that the season has to offer
32. Your elf has told me you have been good this year
Legal - Not for Resale
The vocal digital audio files in this document are not for resale. They are for your own personal use only. If you want to resell the files, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder. These file are not for sale as an additional audio file addition for resale for profit without the permission of the copyright holder.
These vocal digital audio files are not to be sold or redistributed for profit. They are for your own personal use only. If you want to resell the files, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder.
Copyright 2023 Microcyb (www.microcyb.com)
Copyright law protects the creative expression of the artist, including the vocals in a song. This means that you cannot resell a vocal digital audio file without the permission of the copyright holder.
There are a few exceptions to this rule. For example, you may be able to resell a vocal digital audio file if it is considered to be fair use. Fair use is a legal doctrine that allows for the limited use of copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder. However, fair use is a complex area of law, and it is important to consult with an attorney to determine whether your use of a vocal digital audio file would be considered fair use.
Another exception to the rule against reselling vocal digital audio files is if the files are being used for educational or research purposes. In these cases, it is generally permissible to use the files without permission, as long as you are not profiting from their use.
Incorporating LEDs into an electronic project used to be a veritable rat’s nest of wires and custom code. The arrival of dedicated LED driver chips brought welcome relief, offloading grunt work from the micro controller and allowing one to focus on the application. Much simpler, but still not “Christmas light” simple.The ESP Art StickIntegrates Lights in the latest advance in the quest for a simple and affordable full-color LED that is easy to use.
ESP Art Stick
Dedicated to the creation of new and innovative ways to power devices at home at a affordable cost.