The future has landed in small pixelcontroller for RGB LEDs
ESPArtStick line are a small pixel controller designed to control a single addressable LED pixels/neopixels using a special shield and for the Wemos D1 mini. Works with FPP and xLights.
In the last few years, individually addressable RGB lights have been getting cheaper and cheaper. These lights contain a small controller chip alongside the RGB LED which makes it show a certain color. The controller chips have a serial data input and output, and can be daisy-chained together. In this way you can control many different lights using just a few control wires (rather than needing wires going to each individual light).If you’ve played around with controlling LED pixels, you know that getting the infrastructure set up to control your pixels can be quite time-consuming.
NOTE: If your display is not showing, FPP default might be set to none. To change uses FPP Settings -> System -> Status Display -> 128x64 I2C (SSD1306)
Raspberry Pi 8 port pixel controller works with FPP version 6 and above.
With up to 1600 pixel per port at 20 FPS sequences, the M8-Pi is able to handle up to 12800 pixels or 6400at 40 FPS.
With the new enhancements of FPP 6, you can also output audio from your Raspberry Pi 3B and above.
NOTE: These have already been loaded with the EEPROM and tested. Do not re-upload EEPROM as it is not required.
This controller can also work with Raspberry Pi Zero and Zero 2 model (limited pixels based on Pi Zero models)
No need to power both the raspberry Pi and the Cape/Hat. Build in power conversion (buck) will down grade your 12v power supply to the required 5v for your raspberry Pi.
With a fully navigation joystick styled control, you have all the OLED navigation features allowing you to use this pixel controller to the fullest.
With full indicator LEDs and larger lettering, you will know you have everything setup and ready to use for your show.
This Pi hat controller can also be used for mobile shows, RV's, Yachts, off road, or other features making this the go to controller for your pixels needs.
Have a Raspberry Pi 3B or 4? This integrates seamlessly to allow you Network and will show your IP address displayed on the screen to for quick and easy setup for your show to get started.
NOTE: The M8-Pi require FPP 6 and above. FPP 6 and above will require a license Key (Sold Separately by FPP). For more information visit the FPP store at https://shop.falconplayer.com/key-announcement/
*Raspberry Pi is not included with the sale of this Pixel controller.
Joystick Cover for Microcyb Pi Hats STL Joystick Cover
Incorporating LEDs into an electronic project used to be a veritable rat’s nest of wires and custom code. The arrival of dedicated LED driver chips brought welcome relief, offloading grunt work from the micro controller and allowing one to focus on the application. Much simpler, but still not “Christmas light” simple.The ESP Art StickIntegrates Lights in the latest advance in the quest for a simple and affordable full-color LED that is easy to use.
ESP Art Stick
Dedicated to the creation of new and innovative ways to power devices at home at a affordable cost.