The future has landed in small pixelcontroller for RGB LEDs
ESPArtStick line are a small pixel controller designed to control a single addressable LED pixels/neopixels using a special shield and for the Wemos D1 mini. Works with FPP and xLights.
In the last few years, individually addressable RGB lights have been getting cheaper and cheaper. These lights contain a small controller chip alongside the RGB LED which makes it show a certain color. The controller chips have a serial data input and output, and can be daisy-chained together. In this way you can control many different lights using just a few control wires (rather than needing wires going to each individual light).If you’ve played around with controlling LED pixels, you know that getting the infrastructure set up to control your pixels can be quite time-consuming.
Pixel Controller demonstration by Phil Spitler - using EspArtStick
EspArtstick Pixel controller allowing for the option of being a wireless pixel controller or stand alone Sequence Player from a SD card.
Allows for either 5 or 12 volt powered.
Allows for up to 32GB sdcard (card not included).
*Standalone feature (SD card play) requires EsPixelStick or other Firmware installed as it is not yet in WLED firmware.
You can also change the firmware for WLED and others for WiFi controllable pixels.
In addition has hardware features for other software uses.
Program and Reset Button.
2.4 GHZ WiFi Pixel Controller
Infrared reader for remote control
Data level shift for better pixel color and data control
Micro USB for easy programming
5 pin header screw terminal
Easy to read connectors for power and pixel connections.
NOTE: Junction Box Waterproof IP68 2 Way Plug Line M20 is not included with this purchase.
Incorporating LEDs into an electronic project used to be a veritable rat’s nest of wires and custom code. The arrival of dedicated LED driver chips brought welcome relief, offloading grunt work from the micro controller and allowing one to focus on the application. Much simpler, but still not “Christmas light” simple.The ESP Art StickIntegrates Lights in the latest advance in the quest for a simple and affordable full-color LED that is easy to use.
ESP Art Stick
Dedicated to the creation of new and innovative ways to power devices at home at a affordable cost.