The future has landed in small pixelcontroller for RGB LEDs
ESPArtStick line are a small pixel controller designed to control a single addressable LED pixels/neopixels using a special shield and for the Wemos D1 mini. Works with FPP and xLights.
In the last few years, individually addressable RGB lights have been getting cheaper and cheaper. These lights contain a small controller chip alongside the RGB LED which makes it show a certain color. The controller chips have a serial data input and output, and can be daisy-chained together. In this way you can control many different lights using just a few control wires (rather than needing wires going to each individual light).If you’ve played around with controlling LED pixels, you know that getting the infrastructure set up to control your pixels can be quite time-consuming.
FPP license not required for this product.
Run over 1024 pixels using FPP as standalone or networked with other pixel controllers but with a very small size.
No need to power both the raspberry Pi and the Cape/Hat. Build in power conversion (buck) will down grade your 12v power supply to the required 5v for your raspberry Pi.
The pixel hat controller for your 5 or 12v pixels as well as a power injection to help even out your pixel flow.
This unit works on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ as well as the Raspberry Pi zero models.
Simply use FPP or other software and using the Two data ports, you can deliver over 1024 of pixels.
Raspberry Pi will be powered so no need to have an extra power source, just add your power the the Pixel Hat and your Raspberry Pi will also get the power required.
You can also add either or more WiFi speeds with the additional MicroUSB ports giving you super fast and clean pixel sequencing.
Standalone is also used by many for props and costumes, making this a multiple use kind of pixel controller.
This add on feature enhances the power of the Raspberry Pi Zero and Zero W to allow you to run FPP or other pixel controller software of your choice all in one tiny little controller. Using xLights or other software, you can link via LAN or Wireless to sync you sequenced pixels or servos to you show. Or you can can have the power of running as a stand alone controller with Web Interface accessibility. Using FPP, and this Raspberry Pi add on allows you to remotely access and upload you sequences from xLights, control the schedule of your shows, control you pixels directly or even have them sync together with your entire show.
If you do not have one, make sure to get the Raspberry Pi Zero W also.
Each kit include One PiHat pixel controller to add onto you Raspberry Pi for dual Pixel outputs.
Usage: Install the FPP pi Image
After installation, setup the Pi Pixel String input and output.
Want to make you vehicle be dazzled with lights or do a mobile show? You can run and have more then one of these to each control large amounts of pixels or servos for your show.
Each add on to your Raspberry has two outputs, both with Positive, Ground, and Data outputs and with the Raspberry Pi Zero you have two MicroUSB inputs. No need to power your Raspberry pi directly, you can power direct into this add on. This allows to power so your 5v or 12v pixels and the raspberry pi all within the add on, giving you that much need extra MicroUSB inputs you need.
With a dedicated data level amp, you will know you will have the power to light up your pixels with ease. Each output allows you to control over 512 pixels given you 1024 pixels at a full 40 FPS, you know you will not to out of sync with the rest of your display or even go wireless for those on the go mobile props or costume effects.
NOTE: Raspberry Pi or Raspberry zero is not included in this kit. Compatible with RPI 3, RPI Zero, and RPI 4 models (not included).
FPP and xLights are separate software applications.
Incorporating LEDs into an electronic project used to be a veritable rat’s nest of wires and custom code. The arrival of dedicated LED driver chips brought welcome relief, offloading grunt work from the micro controller and allowing one to focus on the application. Much simpler, but still not “Christmas light” simple.The ESP Art StickIntegrates Lights in the latest advance in the quest for a simple and affordable full-color LED that is easy to use.
ESP Art Stick
Dedicated to the creation of new and innovative ways to power devices at home at a affordable cost.